Dear Internet,
Seth called me tonight and left a voicemail about his entanglement with Boulder city councilman Ken Wilson. Wilson, not to be confused with the cranky Mr. Wilson in Dennis the menace has been emailing everyone under the sun. In Mr Wilsons recent council public Hot mails he accuses Seth of email"sexual harassment". Seth said that's "wishful thinking " Huh? Wilson and Seth have been at loggerheads for years over Seths' demand for his right to free speech. Ken wants Seth arrested at every turn of the wheel. Seth rips off another blast every time Ken Wilson opens his mouth. It's the "Strange Case of Captain Underpants vs Mr. Wilson."
Meanwhile, my other writer friend Rob Smoke has been skewering the entire city council over hidden cell phone logs which are supposed to be transparent. Rob is also upset about what he calls a "phony Boulder reservoir contaminant study "over oil spills from motor boats. In a phone call with rob tonight he called Mr. Wilson "out of control" and perhaps some "therapy was in order"
Wilson is an elected public official who is not protected by any privacy, libel or slander laws so Rob, Seth or any member of the public can say anything about him. Ken keeps leading with his chin. Everyone from Pam White at the Weekly to Mike Roberts at Westword keep taking swipes at him . Ken is not with out his own field of controversy. When he wonders the Hill neighborhood peering into students houses late at night looking for under aged drinkers and parties he brings on his own set of complaints. Yikes!
Speaking of Dennis the Menace. I roomed with Dennis Ketcham ( son of Hank Ketcham author of the cartoon Dennis the menace) at boarding school in the early 60's. Dennis looked exactly like his cartoon counter part, but unlike Dennis, Dennis was polite and mild mannered........though he and I tore through the New York Natural History Museum like a couple of Chinese desert cats on a school outing.
Dennis went off to Vietnam after prep school, while I went to College. Dennis was a good Marine, saw a lot of fighing and when he came back he suffered from serious ptsd. God bless you Dennis.
from Americas most famous small city
Jann Scott
Boulder Colorado
330 days left
I loved Dennis the menace.
I loved Dennis the menace.
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