Dear Internet,
Here's a little update on the Downtown Boulder Fashion Show . If you remember I wanted Boulder Channel 1 News to cover the fashion show. Downtown Boulder's new girl in charge said no. I wrote the above column in response. Since then I have put ten phone calls into Sean Maher the director of DTB to which he finally took and said no way. With PR like this who needs bad press? We're going to be there. We're going to shoot news footage. And we are going to represent Boulders free, just out of principle. You know, I have a lot of old long time friends and clients who own mall business's and they are not happy about the way DTB has handled this.
Speaking of poor business practices, have you ever noticed when you go shopping at Whole Paycheck, their computer monitor screens with prices are at the far left of the isle making it impossible to check prices. The monitors are tiny too. Whole foods does this on purpose , because they know that most of their customers are dumb rich yuppies. They never check prices. But if you are a price checker like me, you have to hold up the line to see your prices. I almost always catch a wrongly priced item, too,. Some prices are not written on items so if you are not careful you might buy a $10 dollar Cauliflower.
from Americas most famous small city
Jann Scott
Boulder Colorado
345 days
There is no Fashion in Boulder and never was, I have lived here for 20 yrs and the only Fashion we can experience here is on the magazines, TV and of course internet. So no regrets...!
From: Jann Scott
To: Brautigam, Jane: Boulder City manager
Sent: Fri Feb 19 23:58:09 2010
Subject: Jane: This is complaint of contract violation by Downtown Boulder
I would like to officially complain and protest to the city manager, the operations of Downtown Boulder Inc.
Sean Maher and his staff are denying our first amendment right to cover one of their public events. Fashion under the Flat Irons in march.
The city has a policy with any nonprofit which you fund or contract that they must have and allow press access to all events open to the public. Mr. Maher and his staff have three times denied our right to attend and or cover this event, even if we buy tickets.
the last time this happened to us was with BMOCA in 1996 when they invited us to a show, gave us a tour and then tried to legally prevent our coverage. the city attorney stepped in as well as the mayor citing the above policy.
Sincerely Jann Scott
Jane Brautigam, City Manager Boulder
Re: Jane: this is complaint of contract violation by downtown boulder
From: Brautigam, Jane (
Sent: Sat 2/20/10 8:07 AM
To: '' (
Thanks, Jann. I'll look into it. Jane
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