Saturday, March 20, 2010

And then the sun came out

Dear Internet
Everything has changed. It snowed all day yesterday and on into the night. Boulder got slammed with a heavy spring snow. I have 18 inches of snow in my yard with two foot drifts. I spent the day out and about seeing customers. I like working in the snow because no one else does and it makes it easier to make sales calls. I have these new studded snow tires on my hybrid Ford Escape. It sticks like glue in the snow. Yesterday was a big twitter and blog day too.
This morning the skys are clear. Everything will melt off in two days max. I wonder how all of my crocus will look. They were in full bloom two days a go when the temperature was in the 70's. Suddenly we were back in full blow winter.

from Americas most famous small city
Jann Scott
Boulder Colorado
322 days left in this 365 day blog project

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